Aurora Dental and Implant Clinic
Routine dental appointments offer various benefits, including screening for diseases such as mouth cancer.
At Aurora Dental and Implant Clinics, your dentist will carry out a thorough examination of your mouth during a standard appointment to detect any potential problems as early as possible.
What is mouth cancer?
Oral or mouth cancer occurs when malignant cells develop within and around the mouth. This may be on the lips or inside the cheeks, on the tongue or the roof of the mouth, or along the gums.
It is also possible for cancerous tumours to take shape in the tonsils, the glands that produce saliva or the pharynx, which links the mouth to the windpipe.
Some common signs of mouth cancer include bleeding mouth ulcers that struggle to heal, a persistent sore throat, lumps around the neck, discoloured patches within the mouth (usually white or red), an ongoing numbness on the tongue or the lips and general discomfort in and around the mouth.
What are the risk factors for mouth cancer?
The risk factors for mouth cancer include – but are not limited to – high alcohol consumption, smoking and a poor diet. Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) can also increase your risk of oral cancer.
Mouth cancer affects just over 8,000 people in the UK every year and is more prevalent in people who are in their mid-fifties or older. Men are also more likely to be affected by mouth cancer, possibly due to increased rates of smoking and drinking within this gender.
Although mouth cancer is uncommon in young people, it can still occur. That’s why we are so passionate about providing mouth cancer screening to all of our patients.
What does mouth cancer screening involve?
Screening for mouth cancer is very straightforward. It involves your dentist conducting a thorough examination of your mouth, face and neck – something which is generally done during a routine Dental Health Review.
Mouth cancer screening at Aurora Dental
As mentioned above, mouth cancer screening is offered to all of our patients as part of a routine Dental Health Review. If you have any questions about this, or any concerns about mouth cancer, get in touch.