Tooth Fairies in Training: Dental Therapists at Aurora Dental

When you think of dental care for your little one, you might picture a friendly dentist peering into their mouth, making sure everything is sparkly clean. But did you know there’s a special group of dental professionals who are particularly skilled at working with children? They’re called dental therapists, and at Aurora Dental, they’re the unsung heroes of your child’s dental health journey.

What’s a Dental Therapist?

Before you start imagining a dental therapist as someone who gives teeth a pep talk about flossing, let’s clarify what they actually do. Dental therapists are highly trained professionals who can diagnose dental issues, plan treatments and perform a range of procedures for both adults and children.

Think of them as dentists’ trusty sidekicks, only they’re fully capable of taking the lead, especially when it comes to children’s dental care.

Why Your Child is in Great Hands with a Dental Therapist

You know how children are often a bit more…let’s say, wiggly in the dentist’s chair? That’s where dental therapists shine. They have a special knack for working with kids, making them feel at ease while ensuring their teeth get the royal treatment. From white fillings on permanent and baby teeth to the (occasionally) necessary extraction of baby teeth, they’ve got it covered.

At Aurora Dental, we believe in a team approach to dental care. Depending on the treatment your child needs, they might see one of our dentists, dental therapists, or hygienists. But for general dental care, it’s usually our dental therapists who’ll be there, ensuring your child’s smile is healthy and bright.

The “Painless” Plan: What Happens During Your Child’s Visit

When your child visits our dental therapists, it’s not just about checking for cavities or counting teeth. It’s about creating a fun, stress-free experience that encourages lifelong healthy habits. Your child’s general dentist is always available to oversee their care and step in for more complex treatments, but for routine visits, the dental therapists take the lead.

Think of it like this: if your child’s mouth were a theme park, the dental therapist would be the friendly guide, making sure everything runs smoothly and everyone has a good time, without any of the scary rides!

Join the Aurora Membership Club for Children: Because Smiles Shouldn’t Break the Bank

We know that keeping those little pearly whites in top shape is important to you, and it’s important to us too! That’s why we’ve made it easier and more affordable than ever with our Aurora Membership Plan for Children. For just £5 a month when added to an Adult Membership, your child can enjoy regular examinations, healthy gums, and an included emergency appointment, just in case they bite off more than they can chew.

Plus, you’ll get 10% off routine treatments, so you can keep those smiles shining without any added stress. It’s affordable children’s dentistry made fun and it’s a great way to make dental care a breeze.

Get In Touch

We believe we have covered everything for now. However, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact your nearest clinic. We have clinics across Wiltshire, with locations in Chippenham, Corsham, Swindon and Devizes

Additionally, our team is friendly and eager to provide you with all the answers you need for your dental care. To ensure your teeth’s optimal health, please schedule an appointment with one of our dentists. Book your appointment today

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